[AMPS] Thunderbolt questions

2 2@vc.net
Tue, 6 Nov 2001 11:41:32 -0800

>> >
>> //   Not all oil-filled capacitors in days of yore used PCBs.  General 
>> Electric's "Pyranol" caps did.  Sprague "Vitamin Q" caps did not.  Also, 
>	[Steve Katz]  The T-bolt, at least the one I had 1969-1975 or so,
>had a Pyranol cap.  It not only failed, it leaked all over the operating
>bench; but where it was installed it must have run awfully hot, it was under
>the chassis with no air ventilation at all.  I wore two sets of rubber
>gloves and used a lot of paper towels to wipe up the mess...the oil was
>nearly clear but very sticky.
>> capacitor ratings then tended to be conservative.  For example, a 
>> "Vitamin-Q", 600v-rated, 4uF capacitor fails at c. 3500v.  I ran some at 
>> 1700v for years in a UHF amplifier and they are still good.  
>	[Steve Katz]  Since Fair Radio has modern vintage HV oil-filled caps
>with mounting brackets for ~$1 per uFd, can't see the point in using old
>caps or pushing them hard!
//  Agree, however modern electrolytics would reduce the burdensome 
weight and provide more C.   Also, discarding the filter choke would help 
too - and it would add some sorely needed - for SSB - anode volts.

cheers, Steve.

-  R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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