[AMPS] messages
Paul Christensen
Wed, 7 Nov 2001 08:30:42 -0500
Yes. Just like this message. You will see two of them from me. Why? Look at the message header. My message and Peter's message
are addressed to both the 'AMPS' reflector and to yourself. This commonly occurs when recipients like me click on the "REPLY ALL"
button, rather than "REPLY" which is intended only for the sender. Unless there's a deliberate need to reply to all, it's best to
reply only to the AMPS reflector list. Unfortunately, I did not heed my own advice this time. ;-)
-Paul, W9AC
----- Original Message -----
From: "carl seyersdahl" <carlseye@tampabay.rr.com>
To: "amps" <amps@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 8:17 AM
Subject: [AMPS] messages
> I have noticed that quite often I get duplicate messages on this reflector,
> as I did just now from peter chadwick. the first came at 8:09 am and one
> minute later at 8:10 came a duplicate.. can anyone tell me why??? Just
> curious!!
> carl / kz5ca
> --
> FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/amps
> Submissions: amps@contesting.com
> Administrative requests: amps-REQUEST@contesting.com
> Problems: owner-amps@contesting.com
FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/amps
Submissions: amps@contesting.com
Administrative requests: amps-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems: owner-amps@contesting.com