[AMPS] More t'bolt questions
Wed, 7 Nov 2001 06:56:55 -0800
>Rich says:
>>// I have never heard of a tetrode that is more linear when grid current
>>flows than when no grid current flows.
>Pappenfus, Bruene, Schoenike, Single Sideband Fundamentals and Circuits,
>McGraw Hill 1964. Sec 13-3, P191 et seq. 'A small amount of grid current can
// (N.B.)
>be used to cancel plate current distortion'. Also explains how biasing for
>AB2 can put the characteristics on a more linear part of the palte current
>Explains why the IMD characteristics don't follow the classic third order
>intercept graph, but show a dip. Happens with all tetrodes I've ever tried
// Why doesn't Eimac recommend AB2 for the plethora of tetrodes other
than the 4cx600 and 4cx1500B? Why did the tetrode amplifiers that I
built become less linear with grid current?
>>// What if the exciter isn't able to handle AB2's non-symmetrical flow
>>of grid current in parallel with the symmetrical flow of grid current in
>>the grid termintion-resistor?
>Which is why you need a low impedance RF source. Quoting Pappenfus again
>'Increased grid swamping in the form of lower values of swamping resistor
>reduces the nonlinear variation in r-f grid voltage'.
>A low impedance source can be produced in a number of ways: grid swamping is
>only one of them.
>>// A swinging choke filter produces constant V-out Only when the load
>>current is constant.
>In that case, you could use a resistor.
// 0.01-ohm should do it - provided it's in parallel with the choke.
>As the current increases, the value of critical inductance needed in a choke
>input filter decreases, which is why swinging chokes were introduced. If the
>value of inductance follows linearly the current drain such that the ratio of
>actual inductance to critical inductance stays constant, it's quite well
>regulated. What you do need is sufficient output capacity that the supply
>has a low impedance at the syllabic rate,
// A couple of Farads ought to do this.
>partly because of increased drops in
>rectifiers, choke and transformer (and maybe mains). The swinging choke
>follow so well as frequencies go up because of the hysterisis curve.
// So Continental, Harris, Hughes, Henry Radio, and Collins made a
mistake when they utilized a resonant-chke filter in their anode supply?
>In the case
>under discussion of the Tbird,
// Thunderbolt
>the choke serves the purpose of dropping the
>volts without screwing up the regulation in the way a resistor would.
// ?¿?¿
>>// But it's enough for Class C.
>Sure - for 1kW input. In linear service, 1kW in is about 500 watts out,
>give or take. You hardly need a pair of 4-400s for that!
>>Hows about a G2DAF Class C linear?
>Fine, Rich, you build it!
// I am a tad reluctant to risk getting tarred and feathered, Peter.
>The G2DAF was not Class C.
// The three I was familar with were seemingly Class C. One of them was
pretty close to Class D. (the one that could be heard for 150kHz on 75m)
> Many of its implementations aren't linear either.
>I've never come across one that was, but it doesn't mean that it's totally
>impossible that there are any.
// As I understand it, as of 1999 there were two leprchaun club stations
in EIØ and EI9 that had semi-linear DAFs.
>I certainly found I could get better linearity in AB2 than AB1 with
>4-250As when
>I went to regulated screen, shunt regulated bias, and negative feedback. Rich
>has called me a liar
// Quote please
>before for saying that, but despite the fact that given
>half a chance, the HP141 spectrum analyser will lie like a personnel
>manager, it didn't get the chance.
// The acid test for linearity is on the air measurement of voice
emission feculence above and below the transmit passband. From my
experience with G2DAFers, such measurement Must be covert.
cheers, Peter
- R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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