[AMPS] non inductive R

John T. M. Lyles jtml@lanl.gov
Wed, 7 Nov 2001 12:01:12 -0700

In college I remember the late Herb Krauss (co-wrote Solid State 
Radio Engineering) telling us that 100 Ohm carbon comp resistor (1/2, 
1 or 2 Watt size, i cannot remember which) was quite good as the 
ratio of L and C are appropiate to allow it to remain resistive out 
to many tens of MHz. We used the hp 4815A Z meter to check and it was 
so. And we wound a twisted pair transmission line of the right turns 
per inch to be 100 Ohm characteristic Z, and installed this between 
the R and the meter. The impedance remained 100 over the range. This 
simple lesson was a good one, about component parasitics, about 
transmission line construction, about matching.

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