[AMPS] B&W Filament chokes
Wed, 7 Nov 2001 23:37:13 -0800
>Thanks Phil,
>Need to have 160. What needs to be done to get 160
>meter operation with them?
// Add some extra C to the output side of the 160m input Pi-network.
With the SB-220's 9uH filament choke, it takes c. 800pF to accomp;ish
- If it works, why fix it?.
>--- Phil Clements <philk5pc@tyler.net> wrote:
>> They are good for 80 meters and up without
>> modification.
>> The FC-15 is rated at 15 amps and the FC-30 at 30
>> amps.
>> (((73)))
>> Phil, K5PC
>> Subject: [AMPS] B&W Filament chokes
>> >
>> > Greetings,
>> >
>> > I recently aquired a B&W FC-15 and a couple
>> FC-30s. I
>> > know they're filament chokes but wonder if anyone
>> > knows anything more about them.
>> >
>> >
>> > Thanks
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