[AMPS] Tuning question
Fri, 9 Nov 2001 06:34:59 -0800
>Rich says:
>> >tuning up with a 30% - 50% duty-cycle pulse is not a bad way to go
>I think that depends. Let's assume that your amp can produce the full wack
>single tone when tuned for 10 seconds or more - then if you're reasonably
>quick,you can do quite well without.
// Avoiding a meltdown is one thing. An accurate tune for SSB
requires that the tuneup and the operating potentials not be far apart.
>However, years ago I worked at a firm that made ham gear as well as
>'professional' stuff. One customer, an old chap, who must have been in his mid
>70's, had trouble with his amp blowing up. So they sat him down in the service
>department and got him to tune it. He switched to transmit, raised the drive
>until the PA plate meter read half scale, and then, I kid you not, proceeded
>fill and light his pipe! Having got that smoking like a hard working Union
>Pacific Big Boy on Sherman Mountain, he then started the tune up procedure -
>very slowly, and stopping to read the book after every adjustment.
// chortle
cheers, Peter
- R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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