[AMPS] Ameritron Phone Number ?
Jim Reid
Fri, 9 Nov 2001 09:43:08 -1000
Aloha and thanks to the couple of you who checked
the phone number. Obviously I had not dialed correctly,
as you reported, it really does work!
Anyway, called and talked to one of their techs. Seems
all I have to do is open the box, and clean a relay
contact. I am losing rcv audio amplitude for a few moments
while a relay in the unit is closed (right after turning on the
-5, or again immediately after stopping keying) odd.
He suggested that as a first attempt as the gadget certainly seems
to be operating correctly for QSK. The amplifier relays are
closed the moment I touch the key and stay that way until 3
seconds of so pass after I stop keying. While keying, all the
T/R switching is handled by the Ameritron and its diode T/R
devices, neat. Totally avoids any chance of hot switching the
linear. Requires lots of coax and jumper wire connections,
8 of them, but seems well worth it to me.
73, Jim KH7M
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