[AMPS] alpha input swamp circuit
skipp isaham
Sat, 10 Nov 2001 10:40:51 -0800
re: addition of a UR diode in the alpha amplifier
input "swamp" section
The swamp resistance value would have to be
changed. The indicated swamp R value appears
to be similar to the average dynamic tube
impedance. Both the tube impedance and the
swamp R value in parallel equate to a convenient
toroidal xmfr secondary. An amps member
reported to me (here) the secondary ratio is 2.25
to 1. Those values jive with my calculator.
Your suggestion taken to the next step, would
be a series R & UF Diode paralleled with
the current circuit. The R value chosen to be
similar to the tubes parallel drive impedance
The current amplifier drive requirements well
suit the output of many common Amateur
Transceivers. Most Amateurs will probably
over drive the amplifier with the swamp
R circuit removed or revised to provide only
half cycle loading.
Some of the relative gratis stability
provided by the lower existing swamp R circuit
might go away. But it might not matter with this
ground grid layout.
Retaining the current layout with the addition
of the series R-D would provide positive half
I have measured removed ps equalizer resistors
and I believe their replacement with MOF types is
a good idea. Same type/value Comp-R's varied
as much as 30K from other in the same bank.
: From: 2 <2@vc.net>
> I finished restoring a two-hole 76A a few months ago, and
>it seems to be running fine. (nice little amp) My question:
>With the original attenuator, (resistor pack) I get roughly
>650-700 watts out for 75 watts drive. I don't really want to
>run it much harder than that, but does 75/650-700 with the
>stock pack sound about right? I would guess so, but never
>having played with an amp so heavily "swamped" on the input
>before, it's hard to know for sure.
:-If I owned one, I would put an ultrafast recovery diode in
:series with swamper-R. The diode's arrow needs to
:point toward gnd in order to provide loading on the
:positive half of the driving cycle - where the cathode
:draws virtually no current. This config. removes the
:swamper from the burden on the exciter during the
:negative half of the driving cycle. / Mouser carries such
:diodes. /
:- A useful mod on older Alphas is to replace the orig.,
:350v-max, unstable, carbon-comp, "equalizer" resistors
:across the 450V electrolytic capacitors with modern MOF
:resistors. If these capacitors have a date code prior to
:1980, they should probably be replaced.
: - For SSB service, 8874s are best tuned up with a tuning
:pulser to avoid stripping the oxide coating off of the cathode.
:[photo on p.17 in Sept., 1990 QST article, "Parasitics Revisited"]
:cheers, Jim
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