[AMPS] Coil Forms
Jim Bryant
Tue, 13 Nov 2001 02:16:33 -0600
There are tests that you can make without a tester, of course, but honestly, a tube tester is a good investment.
The point is that if it works, and has some life left, keep it as a spare, rather than trash it for the base.
Tubes [valves for you brits], are scarce. What is marginal, but working today, even though not at full specs, may be what keeps
something running 20 or 50 years from now.
Peter Chadwick wrote:
>>Don't go destroying tubes for these unless you have
>>verified their death on a calibrated tube tester of adequate quality [TV-7,
> etc]
> You don't need a tube tester to find an open circuit filament/heater, or shorts
> present when cold. Blue glow in the space between electrodes is a pretty good
> indicator of gas, too. I've never actually found enough requirement for a tube
> tester to make its acqusition worthwhile. If I'm building something from scratch
> and am doubtful about a tube, I'll make a jury rig on the bench and check
> currents and transconductance. The amount of time that I have spent on that over
> the years is so miniscule that investment in a tube tester isn't worthwhile.
> If you're servicing some gear, replacement is a good start. I haven't yet met
> anything that was critical as to the brand of tubes - unlike some sand stae
> gear, where I've known of designs that would only work with one manufacturers
> brand of op amp!
> 73
> Peter G3RZP
ET has one helluva sense of humor!
He's always anal-probing right-wing schizos!
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