[AMPS] Coil Forms

Jim Bryant kc5vdj@yahoo.com
Tue, 13 Nov 2001 03:11:26 -0600

Just for clarification, these would be for my personal collection [1940 Zenith 8S463, and 1924 Grebe Synchrophase Mu-1 [first 
production run version]].

Jim Bryant wrote:

> KC5VDJ tips his hat to ya!
> Got any 6U5's or 6G5's?  I'm also looking for U-201's/C-301's and 
> U-200's/C-300's [NOT UX or CX].
> I can see what I have to trade, but my spares box isn't as well stocked 
> as yours is.  All [Except the 4CX250F's] are tested, most are 
> NOS-condition.  If you have enough, I may consider parting with a tested 
> Watkins-Johnson 3.2-7.4 GHz BWO [around 100-150 mW output].
> Peter Chadwick wrote:
>> Jim says:
>>> Tubes [valves for you brits], are scarce. 
>> Not in my house. For several years, I've had a policy that people 
>> throwing tubes
>> away can let me have them, rather than let them go to the dump. People 
>> needing a
>> tube can come and get one if I've got it. I've probably got 1000 or 
>> more tubes
>> of various types in various big boxes around the place.......and quite 
>> often,
>> not the actual one I want. I do object to the guy who comes for a rare 
>> tube,
>> gets it for free and then I see he's got it for sale for $20, though.
>> 73
>> Peter G3RZP
>> -- 
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> jim

          ET has one helluva sense of humor!
     He's always anal-probing right-wing schizos!
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