[AMPS] Bandswitch parts?

carl seyersdahl carlseye@tampabay.rr.com
Tue, 13 Nov 2001 09:19:19 -0500

If this is the switch I think it is, I have 2 or 3 of them. they are
certainly heavy duty. mine have a wafer about 1/2 or 3/4 in" thick, 30deg.
indexing and HEAVY duty contacts!!!!! the only problem I've come up with is
trying to find a good way to gang another wafer on it, even a "modern "
wafer. I've tried several ways but never got what I considered a reliable
mechanical hookup.. If anyone can show me a good method I'd love to see it.
I'd like to use that switch in my HB amp. I don't think I'd ever have to
worry about burning up a contact, and if I did , the contacts are easily
 If anyone recognizes my description as being the same switch and/or has any
suggestions , please let me know!!! thanks to all...
  carl / kz5ca  p.s. I don't think I'll fire up an arc-5 transmitter around
here, they are the greatest tv killers known to man( to the best of my
knowledge and experiences)!!!!!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lamb" <k7fm@teleport.com>
To: <zl1aih@ihug.co.nz>; <amps@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: [AMPS] Bandswitch parts?

> W BC-375 xmitter;
> 55 years after WW II, we are still living off surplus parts.
> Gassy 1625 tubes are quite useful to tune up an ARC-5.  Use the glow just
> like a plate current meter.  You can avoid spending 10 cents to purchase a
> type 47 pilot light to put in series with the plate lead (boy am I dated,
> type 47 probably costs a buck each now).
> Colin  K7FM
> --
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