[AMPS] Fw: alpha input swamp circuit

skipp isaham nospam4me@juno.com
Thu, 15 Nov 2001 00:09:06 -0800

re:  Alpha type toroidal input circuit
A follow up comment regarding the addition of 
the series R and a UF Diode in parallel with the 
tube cathodes in an Alpha type input circuit. 
It's obvious the opinions vary quite a bit about the 
input toroidal transformer, terminated with a 
resistor network paralleled with the tube cathodes. 
Although not the best circuit, I thought the 
approach a unique idea that IMO does work to 
obtain the expected results.  I have not used this 
layout in an rf amplifier, but I have used it to solve 
some problems in very reactive NMR probes with 
great success. A while back you might remember 
my inquiries about the Maxcom Antenna unit, which 
ends up being a similar type circuit.  Practical 
solutions work and this circuit is very adaptable 
to other applications. 
The addition of the series R and UF Diode would 
probably not be just plug & play into an existing 
Alpha type input circuit.  Someone with the time, 
patience and test equipment will have to try and 
make it play without grief. 
I have tried and used the toroidal input xmfr to a 
swamped R& LC circuit with much success.  A 
classic layout is the 4cx250 circuit shown on the 
sonic server.  It does require band switching.. 
thanks to all who replied
> From: "Steve Thompson" <g8gsq@qsl.net>
>Steve asked:
>". Has the shunt diode idea been tried in practice? 
> Did it work above 10MHz? If yes, please let me know 
> which brand and part # was used."
> In the late 50's, I think it was W6JAT, who worked for 
> Eimac that published a circuit of a shunt diode across the 
> input circuit of a 3-1000 amp, using a 6X4.  The diode did 
> not have a series R, although it would have an internal
> impedance.  Circuit was claimed to work fine.  I always had 
> a big question mark about it.
I can imagine it working with a vacuum diode. No minority 
carriers and storage time etc. I've no idea what capacitance 
a power rectifier tube represents.

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