[AMPS] Need HV connectors

jstrohm@texas.net jstrohm@texas.net
Mon, 19 Nov 2001 12:33:21 -0500

How about hot-rod spark plug wire?  This stuff is typically insulated past 50kV, can be had with a stranded metal conductor, and has high-voltage terminals available  (called: spark plugs).


Original Message:
From: Jerry Flanders jflanders2@home.com

What kind of socket/plug connectors are available for HV these days? I 
remember years ago guys just used common stuff like the "UHF" coax series, 
and also Millen made a commercial one.

I need to run a 3.5KV lead between my AL-1200 and this amp I am checking 
out. I would just use some coax and "UHF" connectors, but I am bothered by 
having a connector loaded with HV that looks like an innocent antenna 
connection. The HV lead might become permanent.

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