[AMPS] 8877 rectifier board considerations
Steve Katz
Mon, 19 Nov 2001 10:20:20 -0800
Hi Jim,
I surely wouldn't bother with the setup costs of prototyping PC boards for
an array of diodes...the off-the-shelf prototype boards in all the
electronics hobby stores will do the job just fine. I'd probably use
JTX1N5554's as the rectifiers, though....1000 PIV, 3A, 150A surge, very low
leakage (<1 uA @ 1 kV, and typically far less), excellent diodes available
new surplus for pennies each. The "JTX" designates "JAN Tested Extra" and
indicates the parts are 100% burned in, including a 168 hour reverse stress
test at elevated temperature, to weed out questionable parts. Worth the
extra few cents. These are also dual-plug metalurgically bonded parts as
opposed to soldered die construction, and thus withstand most extremes
better than commercial equivalent parts.
Of course, then, the K2AW modules which cost pennies per kV make me question
why I'd ever bother building a HV diode stack...
"Each success only buys an admission ticket to a more difficult problem." --
Henry Kissinger
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Barber [SMTP:N7CXI@SiliconPixels.com]
> Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 9:35 AM
> To: amps@contesting.com
> Subject: RE: [AMPS] 8877 rectifier board considerations
> Steve, John, and others that replied off the reflector:
> Thanks for the replies. I agree that it's much easier to
> buy pre-built modules, certainly cheaper when you consider
> the cost of having prototype PC boards made. In this case,
> though, "getting it done" is only of secondary importance.
> I've been having a grand time fiddling with different designs,
> and filling in gaps in my knowledge. The amp will actually
> be built here in the next few months, but I'm in no hurry.
> I suspect I may even ask one or two more "fine point" questions
> before I'm through. :-)
> Thanks,
> Jim, N7CXI
> --
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