[AMPS] Need HV connectors
Steve Katz
Mon, 19 Nov 2001 11:22:15 -0800
The Millens are single-contact connectors rated 7000Vdc.
I never had a safety concern with them, as B- is typ at ground potential or
just 1V or so above ground potential (to provide for metering), and I've
never built a power supply that didn't have a 3-prong cord and a ground
wire. I normally use multicontact Jones or Molex (or something) connectors
for other amp-to-PS wiring and use multiple conductors to assure a
fault-tolerant chassis-to-chassis ground as well; however even in the
absence of this cable, there would be no shock risk if the power supply
chassis itself is grounded by its power cord.
"Each success only buys an admission ticket to a more difficult problem." --
Henry Kissinger
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerry Flanders [SMTP:jflanders2@home.com]
> Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 11:00 AM
> To: Steve Katz; amps@contesting.com
> Subject: RE: [AMPS] Need HV connectors
> My memory on these is hazy - these are color-coded single conductor
> connectors, right, so the safety of the system is not assured by the +
> lead
> alone ? Some connection between chassis to make the negative lead is
> required, else a very big surprise occurs upon touching both chassis
> simultaneously? Of course, there are usually other connections between
> chassis, but they are not usually intended to be part of the HV supply
> circuit.
> Seems like a coaxial or two-conductor plug system would be preferred for
> this from a safety standpoint. Has anyone used a two-conductor system of
> some kind other than the "UHF" connectors?
> At 09:22 AM 11/19/2001 -0800, Steve Katz wrote:
> >I still use Millen 7 kV connectors. <SNIP>
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