[AMPS] 8877 rectifier board considerations

2 2@vc.net
Mon, 19 Nov 2001 14:23:03 -0800

>Hi Jim,
>I surely wouldn't bother with the setup costs of prototyping PC boards for
>an array of diodes...the off-the-shelf prototype boards in all the
>electronics hobby stores will do the job just fine.  I'd probably use
>JTX1N5554's as the rectifiers, though....1000 PIV, 3A, 150A surge, very low
>leakage (<1 uA @ 1 kV, and typically far less), excellent diodes available
>new surplus for pennies each.  The "JTX" designates "JAN Tested Extra" and
>indicates the parts are 100% burned in, including a 168 hour reverse stress
>test at elevated temperature, to weed out questionable parts.  Worth the
>extra few cents.  These are also dual-plug metalurgically bonded parts as
>opposed to soldered die construction, and thus withstand most extremes
>better than commercial equivalent parts.
>Of course, then, the K2AW modules which cost pennies per kV make me question
>why I'd ever bother building a HV diode stack...
//  We sell 1n5408, 1000piv, 200A peak, 3A avg. diodes for 17-cents each 
or $14.40 per hundred. .  .  When mounted on perfboard, the junctions run 
cooler than epoxy-potted diode-blocks because cooling air has better 

-  R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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