[AMPS] 8877 rectifier board considerations

Jim Barber N7CXI@SiliconPixels.com
Mon, 19 Nov 2001 15:26:26 -0800

Rich said:

>A perfboard version is not smaller but it runs at lower junction temps. A 
>board version of 8kV/3A costs $1.36 plus the cost of the perfboard.

Since this beastie will only see an ampere on the rare and unintended
peak, I suspect that either diode strings or modules will last
a long time, unless It Happens.  There's a 50-ohm, 100-watt
resistor in the RF deck as an offering to the Glitch Gremlin, for
whatever that's worth.

Speaking of glitches..
None of my 8877's have been hot for some time now. (6 months to
2-3 years, depending on the tube) I seem to remember reading here
that someone recommended 4-5 hours on the filaments before
applying B+ .  Does that sound right?

Jim, N7CXI

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