[AMPS] mark-1
Steve Katz
Tue, 20 Nov 2001 07:41:20 -0800
> No i never go by s-meter ,by sound although you can certainly see it on
> the
> s meter big time
> Tuned input is a seperate issue.yes it is a twist-lock connecter,but
> different then the ones in the stores,these days
[Steve Katz] Yes, not surprising. But if you go to a real
electrical supply outlet (not Home Depot or an electronics store) and bring
with you a sketch of the connector on the T-bolt, along with dimensions, I
think you'll find a match.
> T-R relay i dont think so,good on all other bands.
[Steve Katz] Maybe not relay contact problem, but just loss in the
wiring and the relay itself, which would be worst on the highest
frequencies, e.g., very low loss on 80-40, a bit of loss on 20, more on 15
and most on 10. Not unusual for amps using open-frame relays and no great
attention to maintaining impedance in the relay or the wiring to it. But in
most such amps, and I've owned several, the differential loss on 10m is
maybe 1-2 dB, not "a lot."
> Dale
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