[AMPS] Ameritron QSK-5 amp switch
Jim Reid
Wed, 21 Nov 2001 11:17:19 -1000
Hi and Happy Thanksgiving time,
Are any of you using the Ameritron QSK-5 switch
with your amplifier? I have one, and it seems to be
operating as far as it should to prevent "hot switching";
the unit closes the amp relays way ahead of allowing
the transceiver to output RF.
However, during QSK, the rcvd signal is attenuated!
I now have a second -5 unit after returning the first for
this problem on the thought that one or more of the
rcv string of switch diodes was lossy when biased for
rcv. However, this second unit operates the same way,
20 to 30 dB attenuation of the rcv signal until the big
100 uf cap allows the relays to return to straight through
operation. Yes, I can hear the other fellow, but his signal
is well down until the several seconds, 4 or so, pass
after I stop transmitting.
For those of you familiar with the -5, I am using the fig. 2c
installation set up; my keyer is connected directly (via
the needed diodes) to the Key 1 and Key 2 input ports;
don't use the amp relay on my transceiver at all, and
have disabled the operation of that noisy relay in the
radio (an added feature benefit to the -5 use as I have
it installed), hi.
73, Jim KH7M
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