[AMPS] Millen HV Connectors Factory Pricing

K7RDX k7rdx@earthlink.net
Wed, 21 Nov 2001 15:00:53 -0800

Great idea on the neon sign wire Al, there`s another tip if you like to
mount your high speed vacuum relays on the back of your amp for easy access:
I use die cast alum. boxes salvaged from automotive air bag brain boxes.The
GM boxes are 6"x5"x2" with extruded mounting flanges.. really look&work
great for vac relays.Auto collision shops throw these things away after
replacing spent air bag systems. Have a great turkey day, Jim, K7RDX
----- Original Message -----
From: w5ca <chisholm@tca.net>
To: K7RDX <k7rdx@earthlink.net>
Cc: Steve Katz <stevek@jmr.com>; 'Phil Clements' <philk5pc@tyler.net>; Paul
Christensen <paulc@mediaone.net>; AMPS <amps@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: [AMPS] Millen HV Connectors Factory Pricing

> K7RDX wrote:
> > I really get my caps charged (he-he!) about all the bantering regarding
> > Millen hv connectors. I`ve been using reds&whites in both of my 4pr1000a
> > amps for over 25 years with no problems at 5500vdc in one amp, 6700vdc
> > the other! I think a lot of problems start with poor design &
workmanship as
> > I`ve sure seen a lot of hashed together amps some people try to build!
> > Something I discovered several years ago: Belden # 734710 7mm metalic
> > plug wire,availiable at NAPA auto suppliers, great for hv amp wiring.
> Another good source of high voltage wire is available at neon sign shops.
> for the wire used to interconnect the high voltage transformers (15 KV) to
> neon tubes.  It is designed for outdoor use and in many cases it runs over
> metallic objects and is otherwise severely abused.  I tried the auto parts
> with no luck recently and went back to the sign shop.  Rating says 15000
> Al, W5CA
> --
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