[AMPS] Two stupid questions

W0YR@aol.com W0YR@aol.com
Sat, 24 Nov 2001 08:21:22 EST


First, when you really want to know something...there are no stupid questions.

Yes, you can parallel any number of capacitors to come up with the value you 
want.  The only limit is the voltage rating, which you have addressed and, of 
course, the physical bulk.  You may be interested to know that about 45 years 
ago there was a brand of TVs called "Muntz" TVs.  They were made by a company 
owned by a guy we all called "Madman Muntz."   Inside one fo the TV you would 
find hundreds of .001 or .01 capacitors paralleled together to make up the 
values needed.  He apparently got a helluva deal on gov't surplus capacitors 
and was determined to use them.  

Also, you can certainly parallel the nichrome wire, just wind it tightly so 
you don't have any funny physical characteristics creeping in.  You could put 
several strands in an electric drill and hold the other end in a vise.  Give 
it a couple of licks and you will have nicely wound nichrome!


Good Luck.

Mike  WØYR

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