[AMPS] Screen supply & negative current????

Randall DuCharme ad5gb@yahoo.com
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 21:57:14 -0800 (PST)


Ok... I think I need to try something different but
wonder what those with experience thought.  I was
sooooooo encouraged that this would work.

I took my existing circuit and had to switch to a
lower voltage transformer so I could use the higher
voltage one to try the test.  I adjusted it to 350V
and then from a supply built with the bigger
transformer, applied 556 volts to it's output through
7.5K of resistance.  Voltage rose only 4 volts.  I
then switched to a 5K resistor.... voltage rose to
360V at which point 38mA was measured.  Dropping to
2.5K passed 54mA but the voltage was 403. 

Unless someone thinks otherwise, I think I need to try
something a little different but...????

On the topic of negative screen currents.... how does
this happen anyway.  I mean wouldn't the grid have to
'emit' like a cathode or filament?

Many thanks and Happy Holidays!

Randy (AD5GB)

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