[AMPS] Another Stupid Question

Radio WC6W wc6w@juno.com
Thu, 29 Nov 2001 12:22:27 -0800

On Wed, 28 Nov 2001 12:38:16 -0500 "jstrohm@texas.net"
<jstrohm@texas.net> writes:
> What determines the capacitance value for a plate-blocking 
> capacitor?  By this I mean the capacitor (usually a doorknob cap) 
> between the plate choke and anode connection, and the start of the 
> tank circuit / pi network.
> Jim N6OTQ

Hi Jim,
   I think you'll find that if you do all the math that, for a typical
loaded Q of 10-12 in the Pi-net, the coupling cap value should be 4X the
value of the plate capacitor at the lowest frequency of operation.

   Of course, what's right there in the junkbox may take priority.  :-)
  Marv  WC6W

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