[AMPS] Deoxit/ProGold

Phil Levin W2GE w2ge@home.com
Sun, 7 Oct 2001 19:30:29 -0400

Improves Conductivity
Maintains Optimum Signal Quality
Protects Base Metals from Oxidation
Forms Protective Anti-Tarnishing Layer
Reduces Arcing, RFI and Intermittent Connections
Reduces Wear and Abrasion
Extended Temperature Range, -34oC to 200oC

Skipp, above info is from CAIG ProGold site.  States temp is good to 200C.
Made me wonder, does anyone know the possible temp range of a brush to
commutator surface in a DC run motor?  I'm thinking about using this ProGold
on a motor commutator to reduce resistance...???

Phil W2GE

P.S. In the audiophile world, ProGold has had some very positive press.
(However allot of high-end audiophile thinking is Voodoo if you ask me.)

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-amps@contesting.com [mailto:owner-amps@contesting.com]On
Behalf Of skipp isaham
Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2001 7:13 PM
To: amps@contesting.com
Subject: Fw: [AMPS] Deoxit/ProGold

: From: Pete Smith <n4zr@contesting.com>
: Elsewhere, people have highly recommended this
: stuff to improve the conductivity of connector and battery
: holder contacts which have become oxidized.
A high capacity battery connector (automotive and station
type) should use the "picking type" oil/grease you find
sold at local auto parts stores. The more common
brands here are NOCO, I buy the spray can which lasts
forever... part number NCP-2  from memory. It's red and
you will not escape from it's power to ruin good
clothing... ie your favorite shirt.
: I'm wondering if anyone has ever used it on filament
: contacts in an amplifier to reduce heat generation or
: restore ones that have become intermittent.  Seem
: useful?
: 73, Pete N4ZR
Craig Labs products are hands down the only type of
contact restoration products I trust to volume controls,
switch contacts and related electronic Items. IMO
the only real chemical animal that work well for most
basic contacts...
I doubt the Progold will handle the high temp of some
tube socket pins/flanges for the long term.  For the
short term, it should make quite a difference. That
difference is less resistance... and the corresponding
less heat. It might help, but it should not hurt. I've
been coating contacts with it for years.  Maybe I'll
check to see if they offer anything for higher temp

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