[AMPS] Ameritron AL-1200

2 2@vc.net
Mon, 8 Oct 2001 06:38:36 -0700

>How long has the Ameritron AL-1200 been out?  I keep
>hearing so many good things about them I'm about ready
>to buy one for myself.

//  Until Ameritron/MFJ switches from the 3CX1200A7 to the much-improved 
3CX1200Z7, this is probably not a good time to purchase one.  Eimac's Z7 
has been out for several years, it costs little more than an A7, so Tom 
Rauch should be updating with the improved tube -- and hopefully adding:  
a glitch resistor in the +HV, forced air cooling on the tank / 
bandswitch, larger tank L conductors, step-start. and removing the 
"neutralization".  However, an obstacle appears to be  technological 

cheers, Bill

-  R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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