Jim Barber N7CXI@SiliconPixels.com
Mon, 08 Oct 2001 20:53:42 -0700

>>Someone posted a few days ago that when tuning up a
>>triode linear for peak out on SSB,  one should call a
>>steady  "Helloooooo",  or I have also heard "woof,  woof",
>>hi.  That this procedure is the "proper" SSB peak out
>>tune up procedure.  Is it??  
>It's bandini - except c. 27MHz.    

Only half kidding here - Try "four, four, four, four" (enunciate)
and watch the meter.  Out of all the silliness tried, it seems
to kick the hardest, at least with my voice, mics, and meters.

Jim, N7CXI

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