[AMPS] SB-220 cooling -- another thought

2 2@vc.net
Wed, 10 Oct 2001 07:27:39 -0700

>At 05:22 AM 10/10/01 -0700, Rich wrote:
>>//  Such springs can be bent up from heated austenitic steel piano wire - 
>>which is available in hobby shops.  No tempering is needed.  Temper 
>>austenitic steel and it breaks like glass.   Trimmed, large size bobby 
>>pins also work.   
>>cheers, Pete
>I think we may be talking about different sockets -- the spring clips I was
>referring to are about 3/8 inch wide, U-shaped, with tongues (at the top of
>the U) that are bent in slightly and actually press on the contacts.
//   Same critters

>I was asking whether clips made this way might be retemperable... or
>whether clips that were used on the grid pins, for example, might be
>swapped into the filament locations.

//   The grid and fil, contact springs are swapable, but all must 
squeeze.   /  As I understand it, mil-spec sockets use tempered springs.  
Whether or not your springs are temperable is something that only you can 
find out.  If you break one, a modified bobby pin works well - provided 
you don't tell any macho guys, of course, of course.  
>In any case, at the moment my problem is the tube, because when I swap it
>from one side to the other it still doesn't light up.  Anyone know of a net
>mail-order source for the small butane torch and (particularly) the
>high-temp silver solder that is apparently needed to attempt a repair? 
//  Higher temp is not always better because one needs to use Rosin flux 
- which decomposes above a certain temp.  We sell 0.125" d. 430�F Ag-Sn 
solder for $1.90/ft.  It works well with a soldering iron.  For 
resoldering tube pins. it does the job -- provided that the old lead 
solder is removed first with solder-wick.  .

cheers, Pete

-  R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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