[AMPS] Re: 8k ultra/ "tuned input"

Jim Reid jimr.reid@verizon.net
Thu, 18 Oct 2001 12:21:21 -1000

> >  8K - 5000 watts PEP or 2500 watts DC nominal
> [Steve Katz]  Holy cow!  1500W DC?  2500W DC?  Is that, like, 2500V
> at 1Adc?  Or 25,000V at 100 mA?  Wonder how they measure it??

I believe what they are spec'ing with the "2500 watts DC"  is
continuous duty cycle,  or constant CW key down power
out,  all day.  Not  the same as CCS,  which
means Continuous Commercial Service.  I believe that
at some overseas SW broadcast stations which use this amp,
they are running CCS at 4 to 5 kW out all day on
either SSB or AM,  but not positive.

73,  Jim  KH7M

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