[AMPS] Eimac Mechanical Sample

Steve Katz stevek@jmr.com
Fri, 19 Oct 2001 08:18:28 -0700

Could be anything, but in the semiconductor industry, of which I was a part
for about 20 years, it was very common to permanently mark anything of
considerable value which was being carried around by salesmen as "Mechanical
Sample.  Not for Sale" or something similar, so we could travel back and
forth across international borders (even between the U.S. and Canada) and
make it through customs without having to declare these items and fill out a
lot of forms.  The products were new, right off the production line, and as
good as anything else.  We were just short-cutting the customs agents.


"Each success only buys an admission ticket to a more difficult problem." --
Henry Kissinger

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	2 [SMTP:2@vc.net]
> Sent:	Friday, October 19, 2001 8:17 AM
> To:	dhearn@ix.netcom.com; Richard; AMPS
> Subject:	Re: [AMPS] Eimac Mechanical Sample
> >
> >Hi Richard: I lived in Dallas until 3 years ago. A number of years back
> >there was a guy there who built and sold a number of linears using 8877
> >tubes, All of the tubes were marked Mechanical Sample. He told me that
> >he was trading TI calculators to someone at Eimac for the tubes. He
> >worked at TI. 
> >  My next door neighbor in Fairview was and I believe still is a sales
> >engineer for Varian. When the sales office in Keystone Park, near TI
> >closed, he worked out of his home. One day he asked me if I was
> >interested in some tubes which went to him when the office closed. He
> >gave me a new 8877 with chimney and socket, and a 3-500z which was
> >stamped mechanical sample. Inside the box was a set of test data and a
> >note saying the tube was OK. I believe many tubes are in existence
> >marked mechanical sample which are good tubes. I have not used the 3-500
> >but am pretty sure it is a new, first class tube. 
> //   The Mechanical Sanples may have been tubes that were slightly out of 
> spec. but still worked well enough.
> cheers, Dan
> >
> >> Richard wrote:
> >> 
> >> All, need some help.  I have a floor mount Harris amp, huge device but
> >> it has served me well.  It uses a 4cx1500 of which I have several.  My
> >> question is I have two 4cx1500A's that are brand new and marked
> >> "Mechanical Sample"  in the same "Red" screen as the words "Eimac
> >> 4CX1500A".
> >> Has anyone any knowledge of what these are?  I am not going to put
> >> them in the amp as I suspect they are dummy "Fitting type" tubes
> >> produced for some reason.
> >> 
> >> Any help would be appreciated, am I right about the dummy load, or
> >> since they came from the Harris Factory are they good tubes?
> >> 
> >> Thanks
> >> 
> >> Richard
> >> AC5YV
> >
> >--
> >FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/amps
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> >
> >
> -  R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.  
> end
> --
> FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/amps
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