[AMPS] ground loop?

Tom Martin tmartin@chartermi.net
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 11:08:21 -0500

This is a puzzling situation here in the shack.  I have a 117 volt
receptacle that shows a voltage reading of 117 when I measure between
the ground hole and hot water register in the room.  Obviously, this is
a dangerous situation.
When I checked out the receptacle, I found that there wasn't any ground
wire connected to the box(old wiring, new  3 prong receptacle added by
previous owner).  I ran a ground to a cold water pipe nearby and voltage
between ground and radiator disappeared.  I was happy with my success
until I turned out a lamp that was on in the shack and the breaker
popped.  I removed the new ground wire and reset the breaker and now
we're back to where we started.  Any suggestions?


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