[AMPS] Henry 1KD5 Rectifier question
Randall DuCharme
Sat, 27 Oct 2001 21:48:28 -0700 (PDT)
I have a 1KD-5 that I've been told has been
distorting. The symptoms described lead me to
thinking there was a PS problem. The amp was given to
me a while back with a bad transformer. I just
replaced it at the time and used it for awhile without
doing any other checking.
In searching for the cause of the described
distortion, I ran across something that I'm not sure I
understand. The amp has 2 large rectifier modules
(Semtech SDHD-15K) that measure a little better than
10 meghoms in the forward direction with a DVOM.
Having never worked with these devices I'm not too
sure, but I'd think that there's something wrong here.
Anyone know about these things?
Thanks much.
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