[AMPS] Henry 2kd classic
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 12:53:24 -0700
>> Any dowside risk to gutting the grid cap/choke circuit in the L-7 and
>> replacing them it Cu straps between the grid terminals of the socket
>> and chassis?
// When the grid's intrinsic inductance is grounded through the positive
reactance in a Cu strap - insead of the negative reactance in a cap. -
the grid-resonance frequency decreases a bit, which should permit
oscillation at a slightly lower frequency. The grid-resonance change can
be measured with a dipmeter. I would be interested in your measurement.
>>Will this affect the termination impedance that the tuned
>> input sees significantly?
>There are always risks when we change things in marginally stable
>systems unless you just buckle down and do everything correctly.
// Amen to that, Mr. Rauch.
>If I owned a 30L1 I'd use "cathode" bias and ground the grids
>normally, and add neutralization.
// Art Collins knew better than to try this.
> I'd never use four 811A tubes in
>parallel without cancelling feedthrough capacitance.
// The sticky-wicket.
>73, Tom W8JI
- R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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