[AMPS] amazing doubletalk...
Sat, 15 Sep 2001 08:35:03 -0700
>> In the first- the references to the "Engineer" from Eimac, first you
>> say he IS an Engineering manager, then you say that Eimac's Personnel
>> dept (the last people I would ask) say he wasn't- which is it? Did you
>> ever ask anyone in Eimacs Technical depts about it? If so, what did
>> they say?
>Eimac (at that time it was Varian) like all other companies is not
>allowed to give a "strange caller" personal information about
>Many employees at Eimac also already know Rich pretty well.
// As I recall, the course of events:
1. I telephoned Varian-Eimac's Salt Lake City plant and asked to speak
with someone in rhe personnel department -- which I was told is now
called human resources. My call was transfered.
2, I stated my name and the woman screamed - - - not.
3. I said that I was participating in a Newsgroup debate on the Internet
and that one of the combatants had made some statements about one of your
ex-employees that seemed a bit fishy. I gave her the name of the
ex-employee and quoted the statement about the alleged "R&D Engineering
Manager". She said that he had worked there but he was never a manager.
... ... ... ...
>Since Buzz Miklos was head of R&D and disagreed with almost
>everything Rich says about tubes, it is in Rich's best interest to
>"remove Buzz" from his job.
// The first item that smelt of smelt was the claim that Mr. Miklos
disagreed with almost everything.
- For all of the QST Magazine articles I wrote, two review groups
critiqued each article. The first review group was amp. builders in the
Western states that I talked with in the 40m Combat Zone (7250-7260,
daytime). The second was in Newington. The "no merit" statement
seemingly did not hold water.
>Buzz did authorize Eimac to release his job history records, and
>Eimac sent me a letter stating Buzz was R&D manager.
// When Mr. Rauch was challenged on his claim that he had a letter from
Eimac that increased the 3-500Z's current rating to 500mA (see AL-80B
owner's manual), I said post the letter. If you guessed that he did not,
>When I
>offered a copy of the letter to Rich, he claimed I forged the letter.
// A search of the Grate Parasitics Debate failed to turn up the words
'forge' or 'forged'. Please cite the quote, Mr. Rauch.
>When Rich was offered the ability to get a letter himself, he said he
>wasn't interested.
// In my experiences, fabricators do not seem to be able to change their
modus operandi any more than leopards can change their spots.
>> them. The rest just is not there. So- where did the statements about
>> RF resistance changes, AC circuit analysis, and disappearing gas come
>> from? >> >// Mr. "...." stated that nickle-chromium alloys have more
>> RF-resistance >as frequency decreases, that AC circuit-analysis does
>> not work for L-R >VHF suppressors, that gas can disappear in cold
>> tubes, and that he's one >of our recognized amplifier experts (p.72,
>> 9-94 QST). >
>Rich actually can't produce any of what he claims, because it does
>not exist as he states it.
>Hold his feet to the fire, and watch.
// Try me. Text file format copies of the 281.681-word Debate are
available via e.mail.
>73, Tom W8JI
- R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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