[AMPS] Distortion, amp design, and 813s

OZ5IQ oz5iq@teliamail.dk
Thu, 20 Sep 2001 10:43:23 +0200

HI guys

The advantages of using PP amps is the fact that the input and output capacitance is in series so the
I/O "c"  is 1/4 of when compared to an parallel Amp.

Another is the balance which " automatic"  gives a supression of the even harmonics 

A general  made fault is that the bias for the tubes is typically only made as paralelling the 
DC supply for the grid 1, / cathode  - and the bias current meassured is a sum of those currents.
So if not bought as " a set" compared or what we call it, a good Amp can with ease show  hidden 
distortion , inspite looks good. This has nothing with the general Amp. to do thats obvious.

So eigher matched pair  - or a bias supply for EACH tube, individually adjustable. 

Vy 73 de  OZ5IQ, Kim  

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