[AMPS] The 3-500Z, having been officially beaten to death...
Steve Katz
Fri, 28 Sep 2001 11:44:21 -0700
...is now shattered glass and bits of metal.
However, I do have a question, if anyone knows:
AL-80B uses side-flow air cooling which appears substantial in volume but
does not use pressurized cooling, chimney, etc. I can't complain about its
service, it's remarkable, but I remember reading lots of material many years
ago about how critical it was to keep the filament pins below a certain
temperature so as not to exceed the base seal ratings, blah,
blah...whatever. I thought that was one of the primary reasons for the
pressurized cooling (blower, moving air from base to envelope, up and out)
systems used by Henry, Drake, et al in their 3-500Z models.
Anyone have any input/comment on this-?
Steve, WB2WIK/6
"Each success only buys an admission ticket to a more difficult problem." --
Henry Kissinger
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Rauch [SMTP:w8ji@akorn.net]
> Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 11:33 AM
> To: AMPS; Vic Rosenthal
> Subject: Re: [AMPS] Noises in electrolytic capacitors
> > 2 (Rich) wrote:
> >
> > > // (ref SB-1000 and AL-80 owners' manuals)
> > > When challenged on his assertion that the 3-500Z was re-rated by
> > > Eimac for 500mA
> >
> > I don't know why this keeps coming up, but the SB-1000 and AL80B
> > manuals talk about running the plate current up to 500 ma for a short
> > period during tuning only, so that you can tune the tank for the peak
> > conditions that will occur during SSB use. They specifically say that
> > you should reduce drive in CW to give you 400 ma., and make
> > reasonabale statements about the meter swing you should
> expect on SSB.
> It comes up because someone has been driven into saturation, and
> distorts everything he reads or hears when he amplifys it.
> ;-)
> The manuals specifically state exactly what you say Vic, but
> Eimac did specifically say IVS operation of the 3-500Z would allow
> operation at over 500mA or higher for long time periods with no
> deterioration in service life.
> So even if the manual said what Rich claims it said, which it does
> not, it would still be OK.
> 73, Tom W8JI
> W8JI@contesting.com
> --
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