[Amps] 12V 120A Switcihng Power supply?

Larry Kayser kayser@sympatico.ca
Mon, 01 Apr 2002 10:18:35 -0500


>Does anyone know of a source for a lightweight switching power
>supply that is 12v 120a?  The goal is to use a switching power
>supply on a mobile amplifier.

The highest I have seen here is 60A at 12V, I wonder if they can be run in 

>Also looking for a switcher that is in the range of 48v 48a.

This is easier to do but I suspect that you wont like the result much for 
portable operation.  I have several 48V switching supplies here, they are 
all rated at 40A BUT that is the good news.  The bad news is they weigh a 
great deal - far more than I suspect you are interested in carrying 
around.  They are CONTINUOUS duty units as used in NORTEL PBX's, and even 
for switching supplies they a very heavy.  In preparation for sending you 
this email I opened one up,  the case alone weighs about 23 lbs of 
aluminum, the big heatsink weighs in at 30+ lbs and the four seriously 
large transformers and inductors weigh in at nearly 45 lbs.  Having reached 
nearly 100 lbs I suspect you are loosing interest fast.

For my 8.998 kHz transmitter I am using a large VARIAC feeding a new supply 
here, 340V Max at 40 Amps.  I was using a switching supply at 240V at 40A 
but it had a hard time with the no load/full load change during key up/key 
down operation.  For those who dove for their four banger calculators on 
seeing the above, the Radio Act stops here at 9 kHz on the way down.
