[Amps] IMD vs. Vcc
Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL
Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL" <K4XL@arrl.net
Mon, 1 Apr 2002 21:59:44 -0500
Since the recent re-write of the FCC rules, I've heard lots of comments
like Mike's. In my not so humble opinion, the re-write created problems
for hams where none had existed before. While I'm not a lawyer, it
would appear that in addition to the specific rules in Part 97, there
are other "general" rules that apply to all telecommunications services
licensed by the FCC. Many of these rules are the domestic
implementation of internationally agreed standards. In Part 2.202 there
are rather elaborate formulae for determining the necessary bandwidth
for different kinds of emissions. There is no mention, that I could
see, of "amateur" transmissions being handled any differently than
commercial ones. It would be very helpful if the FCC would include
permissible bandwidth limits within Part 97. However, since we are
bound by the "good engineering practice" phrase, perhaps we can find out
what that is by looking at Part 2.202 which indicates 2.7 kHz for
commercial telephony ssbsc and 4.45 kHz for sound broadcasting of speech
and music. I'll admit that there might be something else in Title 47
that I didn't find which directly addresses Amateur Radio. However, I
have neither the time nor inclination to research the whole thing. So,
without the FCC telling me something different, 3 kHz looks like "good
engineering practice" for what we do. While we are at it, can someone
tell me how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
Ken K4XL
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Sawyer" <kc4slk@csrlink.net>
To: <W8JI@contesting.com>; "Roger D. Johnson" <n1rj@pivot.net>; "AMPS"
<amps@contesting.com>; "Terry Gaiser" <w6ru@bak.rr.com>
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 7:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] IMD vs. Vcc
> Tom said: Second, you can not cause harmful QRM outside of the normal
> occupied bandwidth allocated for that mode. (A3J means 3kHz
> wide)
> I would like to know where it says that in Part 97. I have gotten
into many arguments about this, since I enjoy running AM. There is
nothing in Part 97 that specifies bandwidth per mode other than within
the actual sub-band itself.
> Mike(y)
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