[Amps] Amp project help needed

Radio WC6W wc6w@juno.com
Mon, 1 Apr 2002 20:52:57 -0800

On Sun, 31 Mar 2002 06:07:21 +0800 "Xu" <salers@hamal.freemail.ne.jp>
> Hi!
>  I'm planing to home made a
> RF power amplifier.But in
> our country I can  not get Amidon's products(FT series), I can
> get the  torid core, some of them ,can work in 0.5-30MHz,
> but"Mi"is too low,only have50-100,not as FT series of Amidon.
> my question is:
> How can I 
> I use them in HF power amplifier as transformer and
>  LBF inductor replace FT and T series?
> I think I can not use the brass tubes in the transformer 
> of   HF power amplifier because of it
>  has verylow Mi.
>  Thanks in advance
>          73! Xu

Hi Xu,
   Amidon is just a distributor.  I believe that Fair-Rite is the
manufacturer of their FT series parts.

   You may be able to find a distributor for them locally.

  Marv  WC6W

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