[Amps] Bird 43 pk power circuit
Radio WC6W
Wed, 3 Apr 2002 15:41:29 -0800
On Wed, 3 Apr 2002 16:42:34 -0600 "Phil Clements" <philk5pc@tyler.net>
> > P.S. -- If I moused and clicked in all the right places you may see
> a
> > version I use here:
> Hi Marv,
> I moused and clicked on the above, and Yahoo says I don't
> have permission to view the page!!!!
> (((73)))
> Phil, K5PC
Hi Phil,
Silly (and that is as kind a word as I can use!) software!!!!!!!
If I'm logged in it works.... but, if I'm not logged as myself... I
can't use it either... yet, it is supposed to be a public file.
I'll try and debug it later... meanwhile if anyone wants to see the
file, I can send it direct. It is in PCX format.
73 & Good afternoon,
Marv WC6W
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