[Amps] Directional coupler design
Roger Blain
Fri, 5 Apr 2002 22:36:07 +0200
Hi List,
I have been following the thread on the Bird power measurement with =
My dilema is I am trying to build a directional coupler, to measure the =
power going into a plasma tube.
The oscilator is 812A based Hartley with unknown impedances (I guess =
they could be calculated, but my valve circuit theory is virtuly non =
existent!) , certailnly the load is nowhere ideal either, nor near =
After revewing a few articles etc, I managed to build a basic Bruene =
Bridge directional coupler to the point I could scope out the V & I =
curves of my 3.5MHz carrier, I am also able to measure the HV voltage =
waveforms accross the plasma tube using HV scope probes.
Now where can I go to find some internet based references that will give =
me a good overview of directional coupler theory not related to standard =
50Ohm impedances, and how I can relate what I am seeing to power both =
forward and reflected as well as SWR. I understand the practical use of =
these terms, but am battling for information that will allow me to =
design/build a fairly accurate power measurment device.
Roger Blain
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