[Amps] Address change and more at ACOM

AA1ND@aol.com AA1ND@aol.com
Sat, 6 Apr 2002 07:15:56 EST

Changes at ACOM International, Inc.

In the past few weeks there has been some changes at ACOM, we moved from our 
Burlington facility to a new location, the new address and telephone numbers 

ACOM International, Inc.
71 West Street
Medfield, MA 02052

TEL 508 359 5990
FAX 508 359 5989

Our Email address will remain the same until further notice: 

We are happy to announce that Will Angenent, K6NDV (now K6ND) became part of 
our team and you will be able to address questions to him.

We just received a shipment of ACOM 2000A and ACOM 1000A amplifiers, for a 
short time we are able to sell these amplifiers from our current stock 
without waiting.
The long waited for  Digital Recorder/Memory Keyer (DigiRec)  should be 
available after Dayton. We do currently have the  DVP board in stock, both 
DigiRec and DVP board are using the same connection cable, available for 
different brand of radios.
We do have the ACOM2S1 Automatic XCVR commutator in stock.
For more information on one these products and reviews, please visit our 
WebPages: http://www.hfpower.com

We will be at the Dayton HAMVENTION, our booth number will be 454, the 
complete KH1 team will be at our booth to give out and sign the QSL cards 
from their Baker/Howland Dxpedition, co-sponsored by ACOM International, Inc.

Please give us a call or stop by at our booth 454 in Dayton.

Thank you 73,

Krassy Petkov, K1LZ
Will Angenent, K6ND(V)/1