[Amps] CLEAN SB-220 Schematic available as PDF
Tom Hammond NØSS
Mon, 08 Apr 2002 11:28:21 -0500
For what little it may be worth...
Many of us either have an SB-220, or we wind up working on someone else's.
It's been my experience that the fold-out schematic of the SB-220 really
takes a beating over the years, and usually winds up looking pretty 'ratty'.
I have completely REDRAWN the SB-220 schematic, using CorelDraw v9, and
have produced two files (600DPI Acrobat Reader v4, PDF formatted) which are
now available for DOWNLOAD:
The first file is a single 11" x 14" page and may be difficult to print for
some users.
The second file was broken into two halves which can be printed on standard
8-1/2" x 11" paper and then either left as-is, or the 2nd page can be
trimmed and taped/pasted onto the right edge of the 1st page to make a
full-sized schematic.
PLEASE NOTE: My earthlink web site limits me to a specific amount of
download volume each month. If that volume is exceeded my web site will
either be suspended until the beginning of the following month OR I will be
charged additional for the excess volume. NEITHER of these options are
acceptable. As a result, I ask that you be use some restraint in your
selection of the files to be downloaded, and that you choose ONE of the two
files which will best suit your requirements. I suspect a fairly heavy
volume of downloaders right as first, and I will be monitoring the daily
volume. If it becomes excessive, I will remove the schematics from the site
until the following month. So please be courteous, not only to me, but to
others who might also wish to have a copy. I do not intend to remove the
files unless volume gets to be excessive.
I do have the drawings available in CorelDraw (CDR) format if anyone would
like to have them. If you do wish to obtain the CDR files, please drop me a
note and ask. Be sure to include a note with regard to the version of
CorelDraw you will be using.
Finally, if you find any drawing errors, PLEASE LET ME KNOW A.S.A.P. so the
drawing can be corrected.
Tom Hammond N0SS