[Amps] 4-400G
Mon, 8 Apr 2002 17:46:29 -0700
> Please define a little less vacuum.
Leakage c. 10uA @ 8kV instead of c 5uA @ 8kV. The reason is that
graphite tends to hide air molecules during pumping.
>I don't have any experience
>with Covimag's 4-400 tubes but I do with its bigger brother.
>If Covimag 4RP1000A's had a little less vacuum I'd expect they would not
>pass the high voltage break down test.
>However, we find that they are great. The biggest advantage of the
>Covimag 4PR1000A and 4-1000A tubes is that they
>have a very sturdy anode with a support that does not bend in shipping.
>Most of the other brand tubes stand about
>a 50-50 chance of having the anode bent out of position when shipped by
€ UPS blue/air is a bit better than brown/ground.
> Graphite is a great high temperature material and has great black
>body radiation properties.
>I have yet to see a good Triton manufactured 4-1000A or 4PR1000A. All that
>I have checked NEW have either
>been gassy or low on emission or both. Sure miss the real EIMAC glass
>tubes. I have advised the people I work with to get the Covimag
>tubes. They have not been disappointed yet.
> But the worst thing is that Covimag is stuck is most likely stuck
>with an single vendor contract with Richardson in the US and Richardson
>will push the poorer products produced by Covimag's competitor rather than
>selling Covimag's products. Even though they list both manufacturers if you
>ask for a 4-1000A or 4PR1000A they will sell you the Triton product.
€ A friend bought a Triton 3-500Z. The anode spotwelds came loose and
the anode cooler dropped down on the grounded-grid. The cause of this
malady is not enough amperes during the spotweld. Eimacs 3-500Zs mfg in
Utah suffered from the same error.
>will sell you Covimag's product (AMPEREX) if you insist on it.
€ Eddie Richardson seems to be a megalomaniac. His attempt to
monopolize the distribution of Eimac tubes resulted in him being made an
offer he could not refuse by the U. S. Justice Dept.
cheers, Bill
> They work well but they have a bit less vacuum
>>than the metal-anode version.
>>cheers, John
>>- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,
>>Amps mailing list
>Amps mailing list
- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,