[Amps] Re: 4PR-1000A & 3-1000Z question
Phil Clements
Tue, 9 Apr 2002 17:40:48 -0500
> I have a 4PR1000A & 3-1000Z (NOS) I'm thinking of taking to
> Dayton this year. or... maybe building into the next amp.
> Anyone know what is a current figure they're worth?
I have watched the changes at Dayton since 1990.
The odds on finding someone who knows what these are...c. 50%
The odds on finding someone willing to pay what they are worth;
(c.$400 each) c. 15%.
The odds on finding someone who needs one of these for an amp he
has at home...c. 3%.
The odds that the NOS tubes have been stored and carried in a vertical
position all their life.....(fill in the blank!)
Good luck at Dayton!
Phil, K5PC