[Amps] CBers

Jim Strohm jstrohm@texas.net
Wed, 10 Apr 2002 21:55:18 -0500

Ku4uk@aol.com sez --

>When hams build amps for CB. They are hurting all hams. When the guy down the
>road thinks your the one tearing up his tv. It's hard to make him think it's
>anyone but you.

Let's adjust what you're saying.

I prefer THIS wording:

"When hams build amps for people who misuse the amps, they are hurting all

We've had enough cases locally of bad hams hurting all of us.

This has exactly the same bad effect on hams that bad CBers have, except --
CBers running power are lawbreakers.  Hams are licensed to operate their
stations legally at all times.

An unlawfully noisy amp is just as illegal for a licensed ham operating
in-band as for an outlaw CB freebander running 50 kW.  Let's not tar
ourselves with the CBer's brush.

Build good stuff and turn CBers into hams.  That's not so hard to do.
Shoot, I even did it for myself.