[Amps] Swan Mark 1 Amplifier Puzzle??
Bill Smith
Sun, 14 Apr 2002 18:31:25 -0700 (PDT)
I have been going over an old Swan Mark 1 amplifier I
recently acquired and have found a puzzle.
There is a 2 amp fuse installed underneath the amp
that I haven't traced out yet. It is not shown on the
schematic I have. Anyone out there know what this
fuse is protecting. Mine is blown and I have a
ticking sound coming from the amp when I switch to the
"Operate" position. The tubes are installed now but
it does the same thing with them out of the amp!! In
addition the transformer is really loaded down and
humming in the "Operate" position. This utilizes the
full HV secondary and increases the voltage. Though
they all look fine, I suspect a bad electrolytic
capacitor or two.
All sounds fine in the "Tune/CW" position. I haven't
tried to power it up in this position.
Bill Smith KO4NR
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