[Amps] RF Ground for 2nd Floor

Peter Chadwick Peter.Chadwick@zarlink.com
Tue, 16 Apr 2002 07:49:58 +0100

Rich said:

>Thus, an 8' gnd rod has substantially less RF-R if it is buried 
>horizontally, just under the surface than if it driven in vertically.  
>However, a vertical ground rod works ok at 60Hz.  

Interestingly, a 'power engineer' I knew who was heavily involved professionally
in electrical installations for the supply company told me that he had had more
than a few occasions where burying the rod horizontally did a better job at 50
Hz than vertically. Now that was in an area where the geology was chalk, and in
many cases, the chalk started only 2 feet or so down, so that seems pretty

I agree with Rich on the centre fed antenna, too. Strangely, although I used end
fed wires for years, after moving to an area where the ground is good (
perpetually wet clay), I found centre fed to perform far better. I still like a
DC ground on the antenna, though, if only to discharge the static.

Fortunately, I don't have to bother about lightning to the same extent as you
guys across the pond.


Peter G3RZP