[Amps] Taylor tubes

wlfuqu00@uky.edu Wlfuqu00@uky.edu
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 07:41:10 -0400

         I don't know about the prison labor. Maybe you have inside 
Your shirts are possibly made by prison labor even though they may have
designer or major brand names on the label.
         But the tubes are good ones and I have no complaints about quality 
as I have
had with Triton, Penta and CTL glass envelop tubes. And I still maintain 
that graphite Plates are no
more gassy than metal plates.

Bill wa4lav

At 03:33 AM 4/18/02 -0700, Richard wrote:

> >Are the Taylor brand of tubes sold by RF parts made in China? The name is
> >somewhat misleading.
> >
>€  Yes, yes.  All's fair in love, war, and Chinese business practices.
>As I understand it, some political prisoners (a.k.a., the minority
>political party) are used to build 'em.  This is probably better than
>languishing in the Graybar hotel.
>cheerz, Lane
>-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,
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