[Amps] CB amps on e-Bay
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 08:41:38 EDT
In a message dated 4/18/02 2:02:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
jstrohm@texas.net writes:
> "Roger D. Johnson" <n1rj@pivot.net> says --
> > I've noticed a bunch of obvious CB amps for auction on
> >e-Bay. I've been going through the FCC regs trying to
> >find an easy way for a non-ham to tell the difference
> >between a legal "ham" amp and one of the illegal "CB"
> >types.
> > Since 28 April 1978, amps have to be "type accepted"
> >(the old term for certificated). My Drake L-7 just has
> >a sticker saying that it's type accepted. Do later amps
> >have an FCC ID number? Some of my gear has the FCC ID
> >number some don't. What section of the regs determines
> >which equipment is required to have the number? I can
> >find all kinds of info on applying for the number, what
> >tests the gear must pass, etc.
A friend on mine (W8FAX) and I (both Hams) recently sent e-mails to eBay
complaining about the CB amps and got them removed. This is only a temporary
fix as the culprit changes his screen name and reappears a few weeks later.
Apparently the only way is to keep doing the drill. In your complaint to
eBay, I would suggest you say that this amp has been ruled illegal by the FCC
and as such constitutes contraband equipment.
73 de
Dave, WT8R
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