[Amps] CB amps on e-Bay

Ron w8ron@stratos.net
Fri, 19 Apr 2002 03:45:50 -0400

Actually , I had my petition to the zoning board of Cleveland denied to allow me
to construct a 50 ft tower instead of a 35 ft  that is currently allowed.  One
of the Black board members had a foul mouthed CBer come in on his East side
church's PA system with the most interesting words.  I live in the predominatly
White sections of the west side and tried to explain that Citizen's Band is
different.   Forget it ....tower zoning petition denied...end of case.
Who cares?........Get a life.

I would be more embarrased about those jackasses on 80 meters at night that sit
an annoy each other all night long with nothing better to do.
As I mentioned earlier in a post , they either starve from lack of useful work
due to spending all their time being idiots or electrocute themselves trying to
put together a 4cx15,000 amp.

At some point , the FCC will hopefully put the Citizen's Band on VHF or UHF
leaving the 11 meter band equipment to die a slow death.
Alternately , they could give the 10 and 12 meter band because they use it !
There are tens of thousands of them and the 11 meter band if full when 10 meters
is dead.

Enjoy you radio and when it isn't fun , click the off knob and go play with the

Steve Katz wrote:

> W3LAP:  Not harming us?  Indeed they are.  Here's how:
> -CBers causing RFI/TVI in residential neighborhoods.  Ham applies for permit
> to erect a tower and is denied because the neighbors, who have experienced
> this RFI/TVI for years, all show up at the zoning board hearing and protest
> "enough is enough" based on their bad experiences.  Ham gets denied his
> tower.  (This isn't a dream, this happens daily throughout the U.S. -- many
> documented cases.)
> -CBers become dissatisfied with their measly 40 channel allocations and
> begin spreading out, or "freebanding" as they call it, on to 10m and 12m
> amateur bands, rendering those bands virtually useless in some areas.  I
> hear it every single day, hundreds of examples per day, this becomes
> thousands if the band's really open.
> There probably isn't an amateur active on 10m and 12m anywhere in the world
> who isn't aware of this bad and growing problem.  If all the CBers ran their
> legal power limit, the problem would still exist, but it wouldn't be quite
> as loud.  Since so many are running amplifiers, it's worse.
> WB2WIK/6
> > Jim Strohm
> > Please just keep your windows buttoned up at 902 SAVANNA LN and leave well
> > enough alone. Where did you get your start - CB band. YES. Those guys and
> > girls
> > on the cb band are not harming you in the least. The world would be a
> > better
> > world if people like yourself wasn't continually looking for fault.
> > My-2-cents-worth.
> > --
> > Jim Thompson - w3lap
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Jim Strohm wrote:
> >
> > > "Roger D. Johnson" <n1rj@pivot.net> says --
> > >
> > > > I've noticed a bunch of obvious CB amps for auction on
> > > >e-Bay. I've been going through the FCC regs trying to
> > > >find an easy way for a non-ham to tell the difference
> > > >between a legal "ham" amp and one of the illegal "CB"
> > > >types.
> > > >  Since 28 April 1978, amps have to be "type accepted"
> > > >(the old term for certificated). My Drake L-7 just has
> > > >a sticker saying that it's type accepted. Do later amps
> > > >have an FCC ID number? Some of my gear has the FCC ID
> > > >number some don't. What section of the regs determines
> > > >which equipment is required to have the number? I can
> > > >find all kinds of info on applying for the number, what
> > > >tests the gear must pass, etc.
> > >
> > > I've seen some post-1978 CB amps bearing an obviously bogus label
> > stating
> > > "Certified according to FCC regulations effective 28 April 1978" or
> > > something like that.  Right now I don't have anything of that vintage in
> > > the shack that's still pristine enough to have the label affixed.
> > >
> > > If you slide a T81-series Mitrek through a bandsaw, you get a dandy 100+
> > > watt HF amp that'll drive to full output on a few hundred milliwatts.
> > >
> > > If you get a label printer, you can type "FCC Type Accepted" and print a
> > > type acceptance label (at your own risk -- use of such a label is a
> > > specific and flagrant violation).  Just don't use the yellow label tape
> > > with the smiley faces, okay?
> > >
> > > And -- I saw those amps on ebay.  Usually I'll file a complaint if the
> > item
> > > shows up on a search for CB linear, AND the description says it was used
> > on
> > > 11, or is described as suitable for same.  But the last time I looked,
> > > there were so many chicken-choker amps on ebay that I just gave up.
> > >
> > > Jim N6OTQ
> > >
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